The Essence of Laziness

the sales sword Nov 12, 2022
The Essence of Laziness


Your enemy lies in the grass of your unwillingness.  Hiding in the cloak of laziness with your dream in its reticle. 


The essence of laziness is to not do what needs to be done.


It is blatantly the unwillingness to use energy.


Change the story.  You can change the narrative today by changing the offers you make to yourself.  No one can think of a better offer for you than the one who knows you truly.


Aside from the One that created you, what better physical person than yourself can know you better than you?


This means it is up to YOU to clarify a vision so powerful in your mind that it is non-negotiable for you to be unwilling to use abundant energy towards a task.


Change your momentum today by removing the cloak.


And make a better offer.


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